Monday, October 30, 2006

Help! Help! Help!

Regular reader and occasional contributor Mr W has quite a problem on his hands - he is, if stories are to be believed, personally responsible for almost all of the current IT boom in Scotland's youth.

That's not the problem tho' - he desperately needs a fan to replace the broken one on his Dell Dimension 8100. And Dell can't - or, we secretly suspect, won't - help him. A most unfortunate Mr W, then.

So if anyone reading this has either a spare fan, or a Dimension 8100 with a "frazzled front end" and a working fan, lying about the place, do please give him a call.

More of the usual half-baked opinionated nonsense coming later.

Andrew Mishmash


Anonymous said...

Thank you very kindly Mr MishMash!

And did you know that, 20 years ago when I were but a nipper and first treading the hallowed halls of Academia (well, Stirling Youknee) there was a theatre company of the same name as you wonderfull establishment!

Co-inky-dinky? I think we should be told!

Anonymous said...

Will a fan from a 4100 do, just happen to have one lying about, of course hard drive removed for reasons of national security or is the ever vigilant staff of PC World, hmmm!

Andrew MishMash said...

Hello Anon

Could you please contact Mr W above and talk to him - I'm sure he'd be very grateful!

Best Wishes
